Finished my Glide TTRPG binder.

Finished my Glide TTRPG binder.

I printed and bound the Glide core rules, the Glide Expansion, and a custom Adventure Journal that I designed for it.

The binder was made from buffalo leather. 3 elastic bands were stitched through it to hold the three booklets.

I used a 100 percent cotton paper for printing. The printing was with a laser printer. This caused issues with the text wearing off. It would have been better to use the ink jet printer. The paper was also too heavy and turning pages was inconvenient.

The covers were printed using the ink jet onto a canvas. This canvas was then backed with paper to make a very stiff book cloth.

The core rules required 3 signatures stitched with white 18/3 linen thread.

The Official Expansion rules required 2 signatures.

The Adventure journal was made from a single signature. The cover was backed with a light weight tissue paper that made the cover cloth easier to work.

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